Shokugeki no Soma Wiki
Shokugeki no Soma Wiki
Shokugeki no Soma Wiki
Sōmei Saitō
You are most unfortunate. But mercy would be gauche. Once you stand before the cutting board, your only option is to give it all![1]

— Sōmei Saito, and his unyielding ideal

Sōmei Saitō ( (さい) (とう) (そう) (めい) , Saitō Sōmei?) is a 90th Generation student Tōtsuki Academy Alumnus, the previous Fourth Seat of the Elite Ten Council, and formerly serves as one of the Senior Officers of Central.

Originally introduced as the Fifth Seat, he helped in ousting Senzaemon Nakiri in favor of Azami Nakiri for the position of Tōtsuki Culinary Academy Director, thus being promoted one seat higher. He then serves as one of the major antagonists of the series for the Central storyline.


Sōmei is the second tallest among the current Elite Ten Council. His hair is styled like a mohawk, with his crest being black, while the rest is gray. He has a horizontal scar starting and ending over both his cheeks and runs over the bridge of his nose. He also typically appears with his eyes closed in both casual and formal moments.

He wears a standard Totsuki uniform, but slings the coat over his shoulders like a cape and does not wear the standard tie. He has large earrings and carries a Maguro bōchō blade, a Japanese knife specialized for cutting large fish, named Isanakiri. It is revealed that he is quite muscular and wears bandages across his stomach.[3]

Young Somei 1
Young Sōmei
Young Somei 2
Young Sōmei (with mohawk)
Somei at age 20
Sōmei at age 20
Somei at age 27
Sōmei at age 27
Somei previous earring
Sōmei's previous orb earrings
Somei new earring
Sōmei 's current hoop earrings
Somei uniform
Sōmei 's school uniform
Somei uniform without blazer
Sōmei's uniform (without blazers)
Somei in kimono
Sōmei in a kimono
Somei winter jacket
Sōmei's outfit in Hokkaido during Promotion Exam
Somei undergarment
Sōmei's undergarment
Somei Chef Uniform
Sōmei's Chef Uniform


Somei's display of bushido code

Sōmei acting according to his bushido code, by letting his foes use his tool to even out the competition

Sōmei lives by the code of bushido, and the way of the samurai, and incorporates it in his mannerisms and sometimes speech, even genuinely acting like an actual samurai in some random situations. Due to this, he is one of the least antagonistic of the Central's Elite Ten and he values honor above else.

Despite being one of the top and highly skilled students in Totsuki, Sōmei sees little about rankings and what matters in the end is skills. As such, he never underestimates his opponent, even if they're first-years, and he is not above praising them, when they show their true skills. Even when defeated, he gives them praise and wishes them good luck in their future battles.

But while his code of honor and sense of chivalry allows him to be honorable, some of it can be seen as arrogance on his part, such as letting his opponent use his knife to make it equal, implying his opponent has some flaws to them compared to him.

Somei praising his opponents

Sōmei praising his opponents even in the middle of the battle

Conversely, he seems to have a low tolerance for Momo's childish moments.

Sōmei's ideal is that "the strong must protect the weak" which stems from his past, with his mother being prejudiced by misogynistic sushi chefs, and he took it himself to protect similar chefs who are being victimized.

Somei's condescending attitude

Sōmei's condescending attitude towards the sushi chefs

Sōmei defies the old ideals of sushi chefs, even if it means becoming their enemy, which is all for the sake of his ideals.

Sōmei sees himself as a lone samurai from the masses, carrying his one blade, polishing it to its limit, all so he could not lose.


Young Somei taking over their restaurant

Young Sōmei taking over their sushi restaurant

Sōmei came from a family that runs a small but successful sushi restaurant, named Saito Sushi, which has its fair share of regulars despite its size. The head chef of the restaurant is his mother, and Sōmei helped her as her assistant and delivery boy.

Through the hard work of his mother, Sōmei was able to enroll in the middle school division of Tōtsuki Culinary Academy as a part of the 90th Generation.

Sōmei's mother gained an internship in a famous sushi restaurant, Shigarami Sushi, thus their store has been closed for a while but instead of receiving any form of knowledge, she suffers discrimination instead. Rather than handling fish, she was tasked with household work, which resulted in her collapsing.

Somei dominates the sushi tournaments

Sōmei dominates the sushi tournaments

Sōmei, at the age of fifteen, then decided to take over the restaurant himself and became its new head chef. Due to his young age, he received mockery and insults saying that a middle schooler being a head sushi chef is against tradition. Those hecklers are also from the same restaurants that worked his mother to exhaustion.

Sōmei then revealed his skills, which immediately made those chefs shut up. Sōmei has been warned that by going against Shigarami, he made the entire sushi world his enemy, which he welcomed with a smile.

Sōmei will then join various sushi competitions where he defeated all of them with ease and eventually reached the top of the sushi world.

Somei was approached by Azami

Sōmei was approached by Azami regarding his plans

At some point in his days as a third year student, Sōmei was approached by Azami Nakiri who presented him with his grand evolution. As Azami's goals allow equal opportunity to anyone, Sōmei sees no reason to refuse and eventually joins him, even making sure that he will defeat anyone who tries to defy him.

As a third year student, Sōmei completed the Tōtsuki Friendship and Rapport Training Camp and Stagiaire events in his first year and all subsequent events afterwards. He would eventually attain the Fifth Seat of the Elite Ten Council.

Before his debut, he alongside other members of the Elite Ten gathered and selected the participants of the 43rd Annual Tōtsuki Autumn Election.[4][5]


Central Storyline

Moon Banquet Festival Arc

Sōmei, along with Momo, at the Autumn Leaf Viewing

Sōmei , along with Momo, at the Autumn Leaf Viewing

As a member of the Elite Ten, Sōmei and the other Elite Ten Members attended the Autumn Leaf Viewing ceremony, so the first year students who participated in the 43rd Annual Autumn Election Main Tournament could formally meet them. Sōmei remained silent throughout the event and left shortly after to prepare for the Moon Banquet Festival.[6] He was shown later on to have ranked sixth in overall sales for the uptown area.[7]

After the conclusion of the Moon Banquet Festival, Totsuki received a shift in leadership as Senzaemon Nakiri was replaced by Azami Nakiri as the new headmaster of the academy. Sōmei and five of the other Elite Ten Council members voted in favor for the move.[8]

Central Arc

Sōmei and the rest of Elite begun the Survivor's Surge

Sōmei and the rest of Elite begun the Survivor's Surge

After Eizan's defeat by Soma in a Shokugeki, Sōmei watched as Soma challenged the Elite Ten Council during the live broadcast.[9]

Sōmei later reappeared at the gathering of Central Soldiers where him and Azami's "handpicked" students will be participating in Survivor's Purge.[10] While Sōmei was not seen taking part in the Survivor's Purge, it is likely that he competed in some of the Shokugeki's, contributing to the purge of numerous research groups.

At some point before the Promotion Exams, Central held an Elite Ten Battle Royal to fill in the three empty seats in the council. Sōmei is silent throughout the Elite Ten's meeting, quite opposite of his colleagues that are all noisy.[11]

Promotion Exams Arc

Sōmei learned that a Regimental Shokugeki is happening

Sōmei learned that a Regimental Shokugeki is happening

Sōmei, along with the rest of Central's members, was brought to Hokkaido to deal with the last of the rebels. Sōmei also literally dragged Momo along to the plane because of her fear of flying.[12]

As part of his duties in Central, Sōmei came to Hokkaido to deal with the last remaining Rebels during the Promotion Exams. In the third bout, Sōmei was paired against Hisako Arato, and his victory resulted in Hisako's expulsion.[13]

Sōmei putting expelled student's handbook in Momo's stuffed doll

Sōmei putting expelled student's handbook in Momo's stuffed doll

Sōmei's group then got a call from Eishi which he revealed to them that a Regimental Shokugeki. Sōmei is amused at the the turn of events, but he considered it as a good opportunity to get rid of the Rebels.[14]

Few days later, Sōmei and the Elite Ten accompany Azami in his negotiation against the rebels, and Sōmei is mostly silent at the duration of the discussion. He begun to speak later as he explained the essence of the Totsuki student booklets. Sōmei then proceed to collect the student booklets and put them all inside Momo's stuffed doll, making Momo sob.[15]

Central Elite Ten

Sōmei and the rest of Elite Ten at Regimental Shokugeki

At the specifically-built Regiment de Cuisine Arena, Sōmei and the seven other Elite Ten members appears as the representative of Central facing the eight chefs representing the Rebels, but Sōmei decided not to take part in the First and Second Bout as he remain only on the sideline.[16]

Witnessing Julio Shiratsu's defeat at his match against Satoshi Isshiki, Sōmei commented on Satoshi not holding back to save his juniors, he also commend on the former 7th Seat's resolve. The last match then ended with Shōko Kaburagi losing against Tōsuke Megishima. Sōmei reacted to the situation of losing their three chefs at the First Bout and hoped that it won't happen again or they'll suffer at the Third Bout.[17]

Sōmei begun cooking

Sōmei begun cooking

In the second round, Sōmei is selected as one of the three chefs to face the Rebels, his opponent is the first-year Subaru Mimasaka whom he finds amusing,[18]

As the lottery for theme starts, Sōmei shares a conversation with the former Third Seat, Tōsuke Megishima, Sōmei talks to him about their past where they are still both members of the Elite Ten but now are facing each other as opponents, Sōmei also speaks up his shock at learning that Tosuke joins the Rebel Alliance.[19]

After the draw, the theme is for Sōmei and Subaru was revealed to be tuna.[20]

Subaru copied Somei

Sōmei's cooking procedure was successfully copied by Subaru

Sōmei began cooking by carrying a bringing the large tuna to his kitchen, unsheathing his Maguro bōchō while commenting on Subaru's misfortune of pulling a tuna against him, the best sushi chef of his generation. He then quickly fillet the large tuna impressing the crowd due to his power and technique.[21]

After that, he noticed that his opponent was also done with his filleting, at the same time as he is. Sōmei continued his cooking and pick a small knife remove the fat on Kamatoro and brushing Chūtoro with Nikiri Reduction. After finishing, Sōmei and the crowd are stunned at Subaru completely mimicking the process without falling behind which Subaru later explain as his new technique, Perfect Trace: Flash.[22]

Sōmei offered his Maguro bōchō to Subaru

Sōmei offered his Maguro bōchō to Subaru

Sōmei was impressed at Subaru's copying techniques but he also considers his imitation lacking as he never called himself using sessha, though his third year colleagues call him out on this and revealed that he indeed refer to it periodically. Sōmei returned to his filleting the tuna using his Maguro bōchō in one swing, cleaned it, return it to its sheath and give it Subaru for him to use.[23]

Because Sōmei sees Subaru's Maguro bōchō inferior compared to his own, named Isanakiri, it will not totally copy his cooking at all. In addition, it will violate his bushido code to ensure fairness in battle, Subaru gratefully accepted the blade and fillet his tuna using Sōmei 's blade. After that, Sōmei ordered Subaru to follow his lead using his Perfect Trace: Flash.[24]

Sōmei ordered Subaru to follow him

Sōmei ordered Subaru to follow him

Later on, Sōmei finished his cooking first and served his dish, Ten Pieces of Tuna Ruby Orbs Sushi With Gunkan Maki.[25]

As Sōmei presents his dish, Subaru also finished his own version of the dish. This enrages the MC, Urara Kawashima, but Subaru served her his sushi and managed to prove that his dish is just as delicious as an Elite Ten's food. At this time, the other chefs from both sides finished their dish resulting in tasting six dishes all at once.[26]

The judges tasted the Rebels' dishes first and was immensely dumbfounded. However, as Sōmei and his teammates presented their dishes, the result is in an astonishing victory for them, defeating all three chefs from the opposing side.[27]

Sōmei sympathizes with his defeated opponent

Sōmei sympathizes with his defeated opponent

Sōmei's opponent didn't take his defeat well and complain to the judges, asking them how he got defeated when his trace is perfect. Sōmei himself explains the reason that Subaru lost is because he made too many cuts on his sushi resulting in change of flavor. In addition, Sōmei told Subaru to not to blame himself for his lost as the gap in experience is just too much for Subaru right now.[28]

Somei's opinion on Perfect Trace

Sōmei admitted that his battle against Subaru is like facing his own shadow

After the deliberation, Sōmei and his teammates who participated in the Second Bout found themselves extremely exhausted, Sōmei even compared his battle against Subaru as dueling against himself. Sōmei then asked Eishi if he will participate in the Third Bout which Eishi responded with no, and seeing Rindo who's also tired after his bout against Tosuke. Sōmei had no choice, but to participate in the next bout one more time.[29]

Third Round - First Bout

Sōmei faces Soma Yukihira for the Third Round

Before the day is over, the match up between between Central and Rebels has been decided immediately, with Sōmei's opponent being the first year, Sōma Yukihira.[30]

In preparation for his upcoming match, Sōmei performed cold-water ablution to hone his senses.[31]

The following day, Sōmei, along with Momo Akanegakubo and Etsuya Eizan, entered the stage and faced the trio of first years in the Third Bout.[32] The theme for Sōmei and Soma's match was revealed to be butter.[33]

Sōmei then begin on preparing his dish, which is a sashimi rice bowl, Soma commented on this as he revealed that he will be making a dish with centered rice as well, calling it a coincidence.[34]

Soma faces the Fourth Seat

Sōmei and Soma begun fighting

Sōmei then started cutting oranges, juiced it, and placed it into a small bottle. And at the same time with his opponent, Sōmei and Soma both throw their butter at the frying pan causing an intense aroma in the arena. While the audience thinks that both are going all out now, Sōmei considered the opposite as he believed that Sōma isn't showing his best. This, of course, fascinates the Fourth Seat of the Elite Ten.[35] Later on in the battle, Sōmei took noticed the Rebel's teamwork.[36]

Soma and Somei throwing their butter at the pan

Sōmei and Soma throwing their butter in the frying pan simultaneously

After witnessing Eizan provoking his opponent, Takumi, Sōmei found himself amused at Eizan's tactics, but he believed that it didn't affect his opponent and instead, it made him more fired up.[37] And seeing Takumi's victory later on against Eizan, Sōmei was truly impressed at the first-year showing his tenacity and determination at the battlefield.[38]

The match between Momo Akanegakubo and Megumi Tadokoro resulted in Momo's victory, making the Third Bout's score even. Sōmei started arranging his dish and serve it to the judges.[39]

Somei served his dish

Sōmei served his dish

Sōmei's dish was the Jewel Butter Seafood Bowl, which appearance was powerful already to make the audience overwhelmed. As he moved towards the judges, Sōmei told Soma that he wanted to taste his dish as well. The judges then tasted the dish, and its deliciousness reveals itself as the judges can't find themselves stopping at eating it. This made the imprisoned rebels impressed as they thought that him being specialized in sushi cannot bring such a dish.[40]

Reaction to Somei's dish

Sōmei's dish left the judges cleaved in half

Sōmei answered that being a sushi chef is actually the reason he can create it. By understanding the ingredients which always accompanied the fish, and he can create a brilliant dish as he truly understand to the handle the potential of the ingredient, butter.[41] His dish proved to be really impeccable that Sōma found himself in a really bad spot.[42]

After his presentation, Sōmei was asked by Sōma on why he joined the Azami Administration which Sōmei answered swiftly; to protect his ideals. Sōma then answered him back that he's doing the same thing, and he'll present those ideals through his dish. Sōma presented his dish, with its powerful aroma easily surprising both the judges and Sōmei himself. Sōma dish left a very strong impact on the judges which made the Fourth Seat questioned where his strength was coming from.[43]

Somei asks Soma's source of strength

Sōmei asks about the source of Soma's strength

As the battle between him and Sōma continues, Sōmei found himself with his one sword being attacked by numerous weapons from all directions. This match made him remembered his conversation with Azami Nakiri where he said that if a samurai like him appears, he would like to test him, and that samurai appears to be Sōma Yukihira, whom he called as a true warrior despite having an opposite ideal than him. Being Sōma as the real warrior between them, Sōmei admits his loss. With his defeat, Sōmei was eliminated for the remainder of the Regiment de Cuisine. [44]

Somei admits his defeat

Sōmei admits his defeat

Following his defeat, Sōmei gained a newfound realization of his ideals, that while he uses one sword during his battles, it was polished not through by himself in reality, he still has many people who helped him throughout his life. Before leaving the arena, Sōmei gives Sōma the wish of luck against Eishi Tsukasa. In the waiting room, Sōmei felt refreshed despite his defeat, distressing Eizan. Sōmei just commented that Eizan's loss may have something to do with Sōma's own personality, he then decided to leave the rest of the match to Momo and others.[45]

For the Round Four, Sōmei, alongside Eizan and Nene, watched the next three matches from the sideline.[46] During Eishi and Satoshi's match, Momo said that will win in absolute certainty which Sōmei retorted, saying that Momo was confident that she will win, only to lose. Sōmei then received various small smacks from the Third Seat, which he didn't seem to mind.[47]

Somei took over the family restaurant

Sōmei took over the family restaurant after graduating

Sōmei, for the Final Round, also watched the final match between the Rebels and Elite Ten.[48] It seems that like the majority of the audience in the venue, Sōmei found Sōma's dish for appetizers quite a confusion.[49] But Sōma's declaration of the true purpose of his dish, being something that Erina should beat like in Shokugeki left Sōmei and others surprised in shock.[50] Eishi and Rindo having a positive feedback to Erina's main course gives Sōmei a smiling reaction.[51] Later, Erina's final addition to her dish makes Sōmei question on what is it.[52] Azami's Blessing then tool effect as a result of Erina's dish and Sōmei is one of the people that got disrobed.[53] The Regimental Shokugeki has ended and Sōmei watch it in silence.[54]

When spring arrived, Sōmei Saitō graduated from Totsuki Academy.[55]


After graduating, he went back to work at his family's sushi restaurant. His reappearance as head chef of the restaurant caused it to become very popular, to the point of being completely booked until the next year's spring.

A few years later, along with his former classmates and Elite Ten members, he served as a judge for the Tōtsuki Friendship and Rapport Training Camp.

Cooking Style

Best Sushi Chef

Sōmei being referred to as the best sushi chef of his generation

Sushi - Sōmei specialized in crafting sushi and is best known for this art of cooking in the academy, earning him the Fourth Seat in the Elite Ten Council. Experienced with sushi ever since a young age, Sōmei stands out as the best sushi chef of his generation. To further highlights his skill, he defeated various established and adult sushi chefs as a young middle school.

Cooking Skills

  • Expert Butcher - Sōmei possesses enough physical strength to effortlessly lift Isanakiri and precisely fillet a large tuna into sashimi.
  • Seafood - As fish is an integral part of making sushi, Sōmei also have a wide range of knowledge regarding sea ingredients. His capability to utilize every part of fish into perfection is highlighted on his seafood dishes.
  • Expertise in Ingredient Usage - Sōmei's mastery of sushi gives him an extensive and powerful ability to highlight his star ingredients through flavor enhancers such as butter, garlic, orange juice and lemon juice.

Cooking Tools



  • Isanakiri - A maguro bochi, literally translated to Tuna Cutter, is a long and highly specialized knife that is used to fillet tuna and other kind of ocean fishes. Sōmei, being a sushi chef, utilized this knife specifically for such cooking method.


Original Dishes

Ten Pieces of Tuna Ruby Orbs Sushi

Ten Pieces of Tuna Ruby Orbs Sushi

  • Ten Pieces of Tuna Ruby Orbs Sushi- Ten pieces of aesthetically simplistic miniature sushi prepared by Sōmei in the 3rd Bout of Rebels vs. Central Régiment de Cuisine.This sushi consists of different parts of tuna prepared in different methods, forming together aesthetically simplistic miniature sushi. The sushi is described as beautiful as glittering jewels.
    • Brushing the medium-grade fatty tuna (Chūtoro) over with Nikiri makes the umami flavor bursting out, which then combines with another kind of umami from the marinated lean tuna (Akami). The fat meat from around the collar bone (Kamatoro) is balanced with refreshing vinegar rice. The dish overall perfectly draws out and capitalizes on the deliciousness of each type of tuna. What's more, the special vinegar used in the rice results in more mellow richness, maintaining a soft, fluffy finish.
    • Also, thanks to the scoring method, the moment a person bites into a piece, the tuna topping will melt and mix with the sushi rice, resulting in an overflowing sensation of delicious tuna flavor.

Jewel Butter Seafood Bowl

  • Jewel Butter Seafood Bowl - A dish made by Sōmei, in the 1st Card of the 3rd Bout of the Rebels Vs. Central Regiment de Cuisine. This Japanese and French dish consists of short-grain rice flavored with orange and lemon juice. Using a salmon steak which is covered with meunière sauce, he skillfully slow roasts it with butter and wheat flour. He also sautes squid liver and innards along with butter, garlic, soy sauce and meunière sauce. The salmon roe was pickled in soy sauce, pomegranate seeds and tonburi seeds, all served in a large bowl.


  • Elite Ten Council (formerly) - Sōmei is the former Fourth Seat of the Elite Ten Council.

Cooking Duel Records

Rebels Vs Central Régiment de Cuisine

Round Rival Culinary
Dish Results

Misc. Cooking Duels

Rival Culinary
Dish Stipulation Results


  • Sōmei (綜明) contains the kanji for "synthesize" (綜 ) and "bright" (明 Mei). Saitō (斎藤) is made up of the kanji for "Buddhist food" (斎 Sai) and "wisteria" (藤 ).
  • Sōmei's kitchen knife, Isanakiri (いさなきり), means "whale cutter" in English.


  1. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 224
  2. Shokugeki no Soma volume 27 extras
  3. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 151
  4. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 37
  5. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 40
  6. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 118-119
  7. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 134
  8. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 134
  9. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 148
  10. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 151
  11. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 182
  12. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 172
  13. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 191
  14. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 202
  15. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 204
  16. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 206
  17. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 217
  18. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 218
  19. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 219
  20. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 220
  21. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 224
  22. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 224
  23. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 225
  24. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 225
  25. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 225
  26. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 226
  27. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 227
  28. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 228
  29. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 228
  30. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 231
  31. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 229
  32. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 229
  33. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 230
  34. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 231
  35. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 232
  36. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 233
  37. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 234
  38. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 237
  39. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 240
  40. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 241
  41. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 241
  42. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 241
  43. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 242
  44. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 243
  45. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 244
  46. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 245, 247
  47. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 248
  48. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 254
  49. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 258
  50. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 259
  51. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 260
  52. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 261
  53. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 262
  54. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 263
  55. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 264

