Shokugeki no Soma Wiki
Shokugeki no Soma Wiki

The Local Cuisine Research Society or Local Cuisine RS in short, is one of the school clubs within the Tōtsuki Culinary Academy which specializes on dishes using only local ingredients. It was forced to shut down after Central was founded, but this decision was eventually overruled through a Shokugeki, enabling it to reopen.


The Local Cuisine RS provides local ingredients for its members to use in their dishes. The members undertake several field trips to study ingredients in the different regions of Japan. They participated in the Moon Banquet Festival, though Megumi Tadokoro did not join them. They helped Megumi and Sōma Yukihira during the event, providing them lights. When Azami Nakiri became director of Tōtsuki, he disbanded all Research Societies and Seminars on campus, including the Local Cuisine RS.[1] This decision was revoked when Megumi defeated Central in a Shokugeki.[2]




Current Members[]

Member Description
Local Cuisine RS President
The President
President of the Local Cuisine RS, participating in field trips and the Moon Banquet Festival.
Megumi Tadokoro mugshot (anime)
Megumi Tadokoro
A girl who currently resides in the Polar Star Dormitory, she usually accompanies the Local Cuisine RS on field trips.


  1. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 139, pages 3-4
  2. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 166, page 13

