Shokugeki no Soma Wiki
Shokugeki no Soma Wiki
Shokugeki no Soma Wiki
You build yourself as a “pro” amongst the rest, and as a fellow pro, I can’t let myself lose to you. Aldini versus Yukihira, I’ll show you who the real chef is here!

—Takumi declaring himself as Soma’s rival

Concerto of Ideas and Creation (発想と創造の協奏曲 Hassō to sōzō no kyōsōkyoku) is the eighth episode of the first season of Shokugeki no Soma and is the eighth episode overall.


Sōma is introduced to the concept of the Training Camp from Hell wherein he and the rest of the student body are assigned near-impossible tasks to complete in order to see which group of students are worthy of being picked for the Fall Selections.


Roland is discussing with the other chefs that it's the time of the year again. He asks them if the students are notified, and they tell him that they will be notified by the end of the day.

When Sōma sees a guidebook and asks what it is, Ryōko tells him it's about a camp. However, he asks Megumi why is she shaking, and Zenji tells Sōma that the camp represents the first circle of hell for new high school students. Yūki also tells him that all first years will be tasked with grueling cooking projects every day in a remote location in the mountains. Furthermore, if they don't pass, they'll get expelled. As Yūki continues, they claim it's an opportunity for friendship, but in reality, it's a merciless training camp to weed out the week. Satoshi points out that this is what Tōtsuki's education by competition looks like. He explains to everyone that Senzaemon spoke of the one percent, it's where the selection process really begins. Daigo asks him if he went to the camp last year, and Satoshi says he did and saw dozens of students getting expelled every day, much to Shōji's curiosity. As Shun explains the number of students even dipped below half of what they started off in one camp some years ago, Megumi faints from hearing this. When she tells everyone that she's grateful to be together with them until now, Megumi passes out, and Yūki shouts her name in despair. Sōma reads the guidebook that they're allowed to take cards and shoji, but not the handheld game devices. He also complains that they don't give them any time for taking a bath. However, Yūki asks Sōma why is he carefree and plans his trip already as Megumi is on her deathbed. Still, he keeps reading the guidebook that they just have to make sure that all of them are in that half. Satoshi is certain that everyone will come back, and they will while he and Fumio will look after the dormitory.

Hisako informs Erina not to forget anything as she'll depart in 3 days and everyone will assemble at 6 a.m. Erina gives thanks to Hisako as she gets ready. The next day, everyone is ready and heads to each bus. As everyone has entered their destination, the Polar Star Dormitory residents are surprised to see the campsite is actually a hotel. Shun reminds them that all the hotels and inns there are part of Tōtsuki, but Sōma says it doesn't surprise him. Zenji explains that they manage a dozen as part of the Tōtsuki Resort brand, and the graduates end up working in the resorts' culinary division. Shun says that it costs 80,000 yen per night there, much to everyone's (and even Sōma's) surprise.

As the Polar Star Dormitory residents go inside where the rest of the students are, Sōma sees and greets Ikumi, which makes her blush. However, she tells him to be careful as many students are resentful of him. Roland makes an announcement that they're scheduled to stay for 5 nights and 6 days, and they'll be split into several groups and take on daily cooking tasks. Moreover, if students fall below their instructors' evaluations, they'll get expelled. As their tasks will be evaluated, the students have guests who are invited. Much to everyone's surprise, the guests are revealed to be the Tōtsuki Academy Alumni. One of them calls out for Sōma; however, he abruptly calls out a student next to him that he's expelled for having his hair covered in citrus scent because it interferes with the aroma of food. The student complains about it, but Kojirō tells him that it can lose his customers. He asks if he's trying to destroy his restaurant, which leaves the student terrified, and returns to the alumni. Sōma asks who he is, and Zenji answers that he's Kojirō Shinomiya who's the first Japanese national to win the French Pluspol award. He also mentions Fuyumi Mizuhara and Hitoshi Sekimori, and Megumi says they're all featured in magazines every month. One of them named Donato Gotōdo approaches Megumi and remarks as a girl who's innocent like a white clover. He tells her that she may be a reason for his existence and asks if they talk through the night until dawn at his auberge. However, Hinako Inui tells Donato to let go of Megumi's hand. She apologizes to her and compliments how cute Megumi is. However, Donato warns Hinako that Roland is glaring at them. They return to the rest of the alumni, and Hinako asks Megumi to come by her restaurant sometime.

Looking at the man, Zenji brings out the name of who had the highest score in Tōtsuki before graduating is none other than Gin Dōjima. Gin welcomes the students as each of the alumni are gathered today who owns their own restaurants, and they will treat them as if they were their own staff. If they cannot perform to their expectations, they'll be fired (expelled). Gin dismisses the students, and he wishes them luck as they proceed to their groups. As they split up, Ryōko wishes her fellow residents the best, Shun is with Daigo and Shōji, Yūki bids farewell, and Sōma is with Megumi. However, Sōma reminds everyone that they'll have a card game in Zenji's room, much to Zenji's complaint.

When the students are prepared, Sōma and Megumi are sent to Group 5 Training Site, and they work as pairs where Hinako becomes their instructor. Megumi is relieved to be with Sōma again. Suddenly, a student approaches Sōma and steps on his shoe, saying that he will crush him. As Hinako tells the students to feel free to ask questions if they have any, one of them says they're not given any instructions, so she shows them the ingredients where they're actually outside at the forest and river because they're in private property which is encircled by a fence. There are spices, condiments, oil, and cooking utensils. The students are welcome to use other tools, such as fishing poles. If they cross the fence, they'll be disqualified. Hinako also informs them to secure the ingredients from limited space and prepare, and they will pass if they create a dish that she finds satisfactory. So they begin at 2 hours as the students are in a hurry.

As Sōma and Megumi are on their way, a student confronts Sōma to decide who's the better chef, and he requests Hinako to serve as a judge while she's about to eat her snack. However, Hinako declines as she prefers not to. Sōma smirks and says he got on his high horse that made everyone uncomfortable, much to the student's embarrassment and his partner laughs about it as he calls him bro, much to Sōma and Megumi's surprise as they're nothing alike. The student vows not to lose to Sōma while his brother drags him away for ingredients to collect, and Sōma and Megumi are going to collect the ingredients too as Hinako says good luck to them.

Outside, the students have difficulty with the ingredients from the forest to gather and also fishing from the river. In Hinako's thoughts, the students' thinking slows to a crawl, so they begin to misjudge their options. The task that they are given is a small warm-up exercise, with any chef who is daunted by something like that isn't needed Tōtsuki. While Sōma is fishing, Megumi is nervous as she wants the both of them to finish this quickly and get to cooking. She asks him about getting char or rainbow trout and grill or braise it, and they have to find mountain vegetables. However, Sōma points out that everyone will be thinking the same, so he wants to do something different.

Sōma and Megumi have managed to catch at least two fish and head back to the training site trying to prepare them. Coincidentally, they meet the brothers who just finished acquiring their ingredients. Sōma repeats the older brother's request, which gets him embarrassed. The older brother remarks how narrow-minded it is for the students to use fish because of the Japanese cuisine theme, which angers them. Sōma asks what did they chose, so he shows them a duck, much to everyone's surprise. Besides ducks, he points out that there were chickens and rabbits too. Sōma is moved away to prepare the duck as he feels something about his hand touching his shoulder. He calls out to his younger brother by his name Isami to get ready as he cuts the duck meat with such speed that leaves Megumi in awe.

Isami asks if Megumi has a question, but she replies with admiration for his butchering skills. Then, he tells her that his big brother can finish it three times faster than him, which is proven by a demonstration of his knife skills. The older brother applies pepper to the duck meat and cooks it. Megumi wants to know who he is, and Sōma admits he could tell his skill as a chef since his hand felt like someone who knew his way around a kitchen. When he places the duck meat in the oven, the older brother introduces himself as Takumi Aldini. They have been working in their family's Trattoria since they were kids. Takumi reminds Sōma that he was at the opening ceremony when he heard his infamous speech. Since they're both professional chefs, Takumi cannot lose to Sōma. He reveals the mezzaluna, a double-handed knife, to cut the scallion. Isami informs him that the duck meat is almost done as Takumi tells him they'll finish the salsa at the same time, and Isami uses the mezzaluna to cut the duck meat. At the countdown of 3 in Italian, the twins have finished their dish. Hinako, impressed by the dish, passes the Aldini Twins. Megumi then expresses her shock to see someone so similar to Sōma emerge at this stage.

In another group, Erina Nakiri is seen passing her respective test by Donato Gotōda as the other students continue to cook.



Featured Dishes[]

Featured Cooking Duels[]



General Trivia[]

Manga and Anime Differences[]

  • The scene where Sōma Yukihira visits the Polar Star Garden has been shifted to Episode 6.
  • Zenji Marui, Shōji Satō, and Daigo Aoki appear in the scene where the Polar Star reviews the Training Camp in the anime and provides additional lines. They were not included in the group in the manga.
  • In the anime, Hisako Arato explains the Training Camp's details to Erina Nakiri. In the manga, Erina reviews it all by herself.
    • Also in this scene in the anime, Erina appears less annoyed by the event compared to her manga counterpart.
  • The Polar Star announces their participation before the buses drive off in the anime. In the manga, they announce themselves after they reach their destination.
  • Isami Aldini introduces himself to Sōma and Megumi in the anime instead of having his brother, Takumi Aldini introduce him to them like in the manga.
  • The flashback where the Aldini Twins were supposed to be recommended to travel to Japan to study in the manga was omitted and shifted to the next episode of the anime.
  • The additional scene was placed after the credits in the anime where Donato Gotōda is seen passing Erina.


  • The student Shinomiya expels is described to have a scar on his eyebrow, similar to Sōma, despite both of his eyebrows lacking a visible scar.

