Shokugeki no Soma Wiki
Shokugeki no Soma Wiki
Shokugeki no Soma Wiki
I fight for Jun, that’s all there is to it.

—Akira Hayama, turning down Natsume Sendawara’s proposal

The Warriors' Banquet (戦士たちの宴 Senshi-tachi no utage) is the twenty-fourth and final episode of the first season of the Shokugeki no Soma anime and is the twenty-fourth episode overall.


The results for the preliminary round are finally out.


In the Sumiredōri Shopping District, a young Sōma Yukihira vows to his father that he'll be a chef to beat him, and Jōichirō Yukihira says good luck to him before having a cook-off. In the present, Jōichirō remembers 490 matches before eating a bizarre dish he just cooked. In Tōtsuki Culinary Academy at Block B, Urara Kawashima announces that Megumi Tadokoro has scored 88 points, placing her in fourth ahead of Isami Aldini, while Takumi Aldini is in third, Hisako Arato in second, and Alice Nakiri in first.

Back at Block A, When Erina Nakiri is watching, an aroma bomb from Akira Hayama's curry dish, explodes at Sōma and the judges' faces. Also, a mellow aroma even reaches the audience, including Daigo Aoki and Shōji Satō. Makito Minatozaka finds that under the lid, the fish head's flavor melted into the curry, which should be mixed with the nan, thus creating a delicious dish. Zenji Marui and Shun Ibusaki deduce that Akira used a technique invented by a French chef, thus using the aroma to impress the judges, and Ikumi Mito understands that fragrance is his weapon. Shigenoshin Kōda remarks that there is some hidden ingredient used to combine the different spices, as Natsume Sendawara finds that Akira used holy basil to send a sweet sensation throughout the body. Natsume notes that it is very difficult to find holy basil in Japan, however, Akira tells her they cultivate it at the Shiomi Seminar, much to Jun Shiomi's nervousness.

Sōma deduces there is something sour inside the dish, which he believes to be yogurt. Akira tells him that he added the yogurt to cancel out the holy basil's negative effects. Roland Chapelle and Jun find that Akira even thought about the nutritional effects. Natsume tries to recruit Akira by offering him a lot of money. However, Akira declines the offer, telling her that he only fights for Jun, but it impresses Natsume even more. Megumi and Yūki Yoshino enter Block A as they meet Daigo and Shōji. Takumi also enters to see Sōma's rank, but Isami Aldini calms him down, telling him that it's not Sōma's turn yet. Yua Sasaki announces that Akira scores 94 points, thus ending up in first place. scored 94 points, thus ending up in first place, leading Jun to tears of joy. Seeing that he's in second place, Ryō Kurokiba thinks Alice Nakiri will get angry, so he'll try harder in the main tournament. While Ryōko Sakaki is saddened about being out of place, Ikumi is shocked that she's out too, so Kanichi Konishi is still cheering for Ikumi while in tears. Both Natsume and Makito gave Akira a perfect score of 20 points.

At this point in time, Erina is joined by Satoshi Isshiki and Fumio Daimidō, as judging in Block B has ended. Satoshi asks Erina if she wants to see how Sōma will fare, much to her denial, as Sōma serves his dish. He also gives a portion to Akira, who notices that Sōma is smiling after eating his curry. The dish turns out to be an omelette, and Sōma hits the dish with a spoon, thus revealing the rice inside the dish and another aroma spreading explosively. Both Ryōko and Ikumi are impressed by the dish, while Shigenoshin finds the dish has the same level of expectation as Akira's dish. The judges proceed with the tasting and get caught by the intensity of the dish, noting the different blows of flavor.

Makito finds himself on the verge of breaking down, believing the risotto's viscosity to be in harmony with the fried eggs' moisture. Natsume is impressed with the sauce, finding it to create two different grades of taste together with the risotto. Shigenoshin notices the differences between Akira's dish as it gives an explosion from an odorless state while Sōma's dish uses an induced explosion of aroma. Akira believes there is another dimension to the dish, however, and finds that Sōma used mango chutney to produce the deep flavor. Sōma tells the judges that he added a homemade blend of mango chutney while cooking the rice. The mango was supposed to become a core that combines different spices, thus combining the flavors and giving the dish a deeper body. Zenji and Roland find this method rather unconventional, as adding chutney to curry is something only done in Japan. However, by doing that, Sōma was able to create a delicious dish. Satoshi sees that Sōma combined two of his earlier dishes, thus learning from his failure against his father. Fumio agrees, finding that Sōma doesn't want to leave his dishes as failures and calling him "the ultimate sore loser". As Erina hears them, she learns about Sōma losing to his father and now understands what Sōma meant by having the "experience of failure".

Zenji and Roland find this method rather unconventional, as adding chutney to curry is something only done in Japan. By doing that however, Sōma was able to create a delicious dish. Satoshi sees that Sōma combined two of his earlier dishes, thus learning from his failure against his father. Fumio agrees, finding that Sōma doesn't want to leave his dishes as failures and calling him "the ultimate sore loser". As Erina overhears them, she learns about Sōma losing to his father and now understands what Sōma meant by having the "experience of failure".

The judges find it difficult to rate Sōma's dish as Akira's dish that's great as well. Shigenoshin believes that both of them fight with their own style, thus exchanging blows and fighting for the first place. The audience sees that Sōma did well, but in the end, Sōma scores 93 points, thus losing to Akira by 1 point. Akira is relieved at first, but finds that three of the judges gave 19 points to Sōma while only giving 18 points to Akira. The two other judges, Natsume and Makito, gave 18 points to Sōma while giving 20 points to Akira. Makito and Shigenoshin don't seem to agree on which dish is the better one and start fighting over it. In the end, Akira ends up in first place, but Roland wonders who would win in a direct confrontation. Seeing Sōma has made it, Etsuya Eizan looks forward to the main tournament. Senzaemon Nakiri has also been watching.

At night, a party is being held in the Polar Star Dormitory. The Aldini brothers and Ikumi Mito are also invited to the party. In a flashback right after the Preliminaries ended, Miyoko Hōjō apologizes to Megumi, believing she was mistaken about her, while telling her she will be cheering her on during the Main Tournament. At the same time, Yūki also congratulates Megumi for making it through and will cheer for her too, and Megumi is called away by the fishermen for a group photo. Fumio then tells Yūki that she did well too, bringing Yūki to tears. Back at the Polar Star Dormitory, the students gather in Zenji's room and start to socialize. Ikumi, Takumi, and Isami are welcomed by Satoshi, but they find his apron-only garb disturbing. Ryōko then starts talking about the mysterious student who qualified for the Main Tournament and shares rumors about him with Yūki's help. Ryōko then notices Shun is missing at the party, as he locks himself in his room, after being knocked out of the tournament by the mysterious student. Satoshi then starts talking about the Main Tournament, which will happen in two weeks. Isami wishes his brother the best of luck, as Takumi vows to finally defeat Sōma.

In the Shiomi Seminar, Akira finds Jun passed out after drinking. While carrying Jun, Akira hears her saying he'll change the world, and he vows to win the tournament for her since she found him. In the Nakiri household, Alice is mad at Erina for not coming to play with her while getting the highest score, so she wants her to celebrate as her responsibility. Alice asks for Ryō's agreement, but he doesn't care bluntly, leading Alice to hit him on the back. Erina confirms to do some paperwork and will leave a rain check. Alice decides to give up, but she will come back. Erina congratulates her and Ryō as they leave. Misaki apologizes to Erina because she informed them about her being busy, Erina congratulates her too. Behind them, Nao Sadatsuka is watching Hisako out of admiration, she falls from the tree after stepping on a branch that breaks off. Remembering the fragrance from his curry omelette, Erina imagines getting surrounded by several mini versions of Sōma who are asking her if it looks tasty, but she denies it.

A bit later, Sōma goes outside on the balcony, where he is joined by Megumi. Megumi starts talking about Sōma's confrontation with Akira, with Sōma remarking he wants to become stronger and learn more about cooking since he wants to defeat Akira during the Main Tournament. Sōma then changed the subject to Megumi's cooking; Megumi herself couldn't believe she qualified for the Main Tournament. Megumi comments that it's all thanks to Sōma that she was able to get that far, although Sōma rejects that idea, believing Megumi to be a chef that warms the heart. Hearing that makes her really happy. Ikumi watches them in the shadows, but she is then caught by Ryōko and Yūki.

Having a conversation with Megumi, Sōma wants to be better at cooking. Suddenly, the Polar Star Dormitory residents, Aldini brothers, and Ikumi start the party outside with Sōma and Megumi, including Yūki dragging Shun along with her and telling him the second round is about to begin, as Satoshi says the night is still young. Fumio is inside her room eating. Zenji pours Shun some rice juice. Takumi becomes hot-blooded and once again, vowing to defeat Sōma at the Main Tournament. Isami tells people they can ignore his brother when he starts to talk nonsense like that. Daigo wants to add a sauce to a piece of meat from the plate Shōji is holding, but he is attacked by Ikumi, who insists that the sauce will kill the subtle flavor of the beef. Daigo apologizes, calling her Nikumi, which further enrages Ikumi as she slams him to the ground. Much to Megumi, Ryōko, and Yūki's shared fear, Sōma makes a bizarre dish mixing calamari with yogurt that he feeds to Megumi.



Featured Dishes[]

Featured Cooking Duels[]

  • TBA



General Trivia[]

  • A piano cover of “Spice” starts playing after Miyoko approaches Megumi.

Manga and Anime Differences[]

  • TBA


  • TBA

