Shokugeki no Soma Wiki
Shokugeki no Soma Wiki
Shokugeki no Soma Wiki
He created a siege around Mozuya in an instant, just like Sunomata Castle that Hideyoshi built in a single night!

—Kinu, about Soma and his gimmick

The Karaage of Youth (青春の唐揚げ Seishun no Karaage) is the eighteenth episode of the first season of the Shokugeki no Soma anime and is the eighteenth episode overall.


Sōma, Ikumi, and Mayumi decide to help Yūya fight his battle.


In Restaurant Yukihira, when Sōma asks Ikumi, Mayumi, and Yūya for the best way to enjoy karaage, Ikuma correctly responds that it's best to eat them right away after they're fried. Sōma points out that it doesn't work for Mozuya because they put their karaage in the package, so their customers won't bother the passengers with the smell. Furthermore, their karaage won't be eaten right away after the customers get home. He states that no one can just walk around eating in the Ekinaka building. Upon hearing this, Mayumi understands that it doesn't have a food court, so they only have a takeout. Sōma concludes a shopping district doesn't have that. He explains that some shopping districts even capitalize on how people can walk and eat, and bite the karaage from the fryer that should be eaten. Also, he mentions tons of schools being around. Ikumi comes to an agreement of having no reason to fight on Mozuya's turf because they target people who take food home to eat, and Sōma declares a keyword called "Walk-n-Eat Karaage. Suddenly, Yūya is all fired up, willing to do his best to test his recipes to defeat Mozuya since he owns a bento store, much to Sōma's confusion. When Yūya leaves to get ready for tomorrow as Sōma says good luck to him, Ikumi and Mayumi watch in confusion, yet Yūya reminds Ikumi of Kanichi.

In the train station, Mozuya continues selling karaage. Suddenly, Kinu is informed by an employee about an invoice from the consultant, but she thinks they're better off without the figure, believing Mozuya only needs its secret marinade. Back at the Diner, Sōma puts the karaage (one with curry powder and the other with powdered cheese) in the milk container (which is cut in half) and sticks them with toothpicks. Mayumi grabs the container of karaage and eats them, saying both karaages are delicious, but Mozuya's are more satisfying. Much to Sōma's understanding, when putting the pieces in a container and eating them with a toothpick, the karaage ends up being small, and Ikumi points out the seasoning being superficial as well as capitalizing on the quality of ingredients. Mayumi suggests putting the karaage in the skewer, yet Sōma says it won't have much impact. Thinking of the packaging to be fresh and unique, Sōma heads to his room to get his notebook with various recipes. When Mayumi is alone with Ikumi, she tries to ask her what was Sōma like in Tōtsuki Academy, but ends up asking how is she doing instead, much to Ikumi's confusion. While Mayumi is embarrassed, Ikumi is thinking of her being Sōma's childhood friend, which irritates Ikumi. Finally recovered, Mayumi compliments Ikumi for being amazing in Tōtsuki and admitting that she doesn't have any special talents. Ikumi clarifies that it's not a big deal and most of the students are hopeless, and she mentions one of them (referring to Kanichi). However, she admits that Sōma is not that bad, leading Mayumi to think she has feelings for him. Before Mayumi is going to say something, Sōma returns and accidentally drops some of his notebooks on Ikumi, which angers her. As Mayumi watches, she believes that it's just her imagination.

When Ikumi makes another test subject of the karaage, Mayumi eats it, and it tastes juicier. Ikumi explains that Mozuya uses low-calorie, low-fat breast meat, but using thigh meat will please the customers, earning her praise from Sōma. Coming up to make marinade, Ikumi brings up using soy sauce, chili peppers, and corn starch. However, Sōma doesn't have any corn starch, so Mayumi will buy some. With another karaage completed, the trio needs to decide how to serve it. Suddenly, Yūya arrives and shows them a karaage rice ball he created. Unfortunately, Ikumi clearly tells him it already exists, which embarrasses Yūya. After hearing Yūya being certain that karaage and rice are a match made in heaven, Sōma gets an idea to beat Mozuya, so the battle will start tomorrow at sundown. During the night, Yūya goes to Iguchi Printing for printing, Ikumi is in her car and calls for the chicken thigh meat to be delivered, and Mayumi is in her house and needs her younger brother Hiro to help her write down the papers. Sōma is in the kitchen to prepare a karaage dish.

During the day in the train station, Kinu notices one of the students holding a karaage roll as they pass by, but she believes to mistaken it and that no karaage roll can beat Mozuya's. The next day, Kinu sees more people walking with karaage. The following day, Kinu wants to know why people are holding karaage rolls. When she asks an employee about the sales, it drops by 20 percent, much to Kinu's shock. Kinu wants the employees to give proper customer service and will beat them if they slack off. When two salarymen come and ask Kinu if Mozuya has the Sumire Karaage Roll, she assumes it's in the Sumediredōri Shopping District, so they thank her before going there. A woman asks her daughter if she wants something at Mozuya for dinner, but the little girl wants a Sumire Karaage Roll as they head to the shopping district, much to Kinu's anger. An employee suggests to let the figure know, but Kinu retorts that they can't rely on him. In order to find out what's going on in the shopping district, Kinu is going to see it for herself.

As Kinu goes to the Sumediredōri Shopping District, she is surprised by seeing so many people there. In Tomitaya Bento Shop with Yūya and Mayumi, Sōma and Ikumi make more Sumire Karaage Roll for the customers, and they're satisfied after biting the karaage. When Sōma spots Kinu, he tells Yūya to cover for him before encountering her. Kinu questions him for hatching the plan, and Sōma answers that it's three days. He explains that the cooking equipment was provided by the hardware store, the Sumire Mark standing iron was crafted by the sheet metal store, the ingredients were provided by the grocer and the butcher (referring to Ikumi), and the flyers and packaging were made by the printer (referring to Mayumi with Hiro's help) in a single night. The owner of Izakaya is selling ice-cold beer, a woman is selling taiyaki at a discount, a man is selling famine, and the other shopping district residents are selling. Upon seeing the shopping district revived, Kinu realizes that she underestimated Sōma. Sōma reminds Kinu of what she said about the shopping district back at the station, and he proves her wrong. Then she retorts at him, saying that Mozuya will crush the shopping district soon. However, Kinu gets interrupted by a couple of male students wanting her to try the karaage roll. Although Kinu refuses, Sōma mentions her letting them try her karaage, so it's her turn to try his. So Kinu reluctantly tries the karaage roll, and she is astonished by the flavor. She understands the idea of rice and karaage being a match made in heaven, and continues eating the karaage roll. Kinu starts to remember her youthful days of playing baseball, and she admits defeat.

In Yūya's bento shop, Sōma compliments Ikumi for making the marinade and hopes she'll teach him, and Ikumi obliges if she's free. While washing the plates, Mayumi grows jealous of Ikumi and won't get to spend time with Sōma. Suddenly, Sōma approaches Mayumi and asks her to help Yūya part-time. Sōma explains that they can't just rely on Yūya as he is seen exhausted, and he can't help make the karaage rolls most of the time. But Mayumi says she never worked before, and it's best to find someone suitable. However, Sōma tells Mayumi that he depends on her because she's a responsible person, such as doing class council in junior high and watering the flowers in elementary school. Thinking Sōma is out of reach, Mayumi is surprised that he noticed her, so she accepts, much to Sōma's gladness. He promises to come airing out Restaurant Yukihira sometimes and cook for her as she drops by, which makes Mayumi happy. Sōma asks Ikumi if there's something wrong, but she angrily says it's nothing. An exhausted Yūya watches and says it's great to be young. The television is showing the Sumire Karaage Roll getting a score from 20 out of 10.

Elsewhere, the figure is in his office, calling Kinu for answers after finding out the sales have decreased. When vacation is over, Sōma is on his way to Tōtsuki, but he gets surrounded by a group of boys to bring him. He enters the building to meet the figure who is waiting for Sōma. While Sōma asks who he is, the figure admits that the Sumire Karaage Roll was a good idea and reveals himself to be the one who orchestrated not only Mozuya, but also the 50 food industries to success since junior high. Thanks to Sōma for reviving the Sumediredōri shopping district, the figure's plans are ruined. When Sōma asks if he wants to beat him up, the figure denies it and wants Sōma to work for him. However, Sōma declines, not wanting to work for anyone other than Restaurant Yukihira. The figure has never expected Sōma to take the offer, and sees that he's like the rest who are trapped in their own little world and are satisfied as they pretend to be professional. The figure questions him for having limited ambition due to being born in a small-time restaurant, but Sōma questions him back if he's a chef. So the figure responds not being a chef, but all chefs obey him, explaining that his sights are set on a different stage than Sōma's. The figure informs Sōma getting selected for the Autumn Elections, but not to rejoice because he will meet his end there as payback for staining his career, to which others call him "Alquimista". Furthermore, he reveals himself as the ninth seat of the Elite Ten, Etsuya Eizan, and will crush Sōma.



Featured Dishes

Featured Cooking Duels

  • TBA



General Trivia

  • This is the first episode to have an anime-exclusive episode title.

Manga and Anime Differences

  • TBA


  • Ikumi mentions to herself how Mayumi was Sōma’s classmate from middle school when it was in fact since kindergarten.

