Shokugeki no Soma Wiki
Shokugeki no Soma Wiki
Shokugeki no Soma Wiki
Daigo Aoki

Daigo Aoki ( (あお) () (だい) () , Aoki Daigo?) is a 92nd Tōtsuki Generation student[3] and a resident of the Polar Star Dormitory.


Daigo Aoki First Year Appearance
First Year Appearance
Daigo Aoki Second Year Appearance
Second Year Appearance

Daigo has a spiky, black hair with long sideburns. He also has a tan skin tone and well-built body. He wears a standard Tōtsuki uniform that is often unbuttoned and does not wear a tie. He is also noted to dress in a simple white undershirt, even when cooking. It is noted that he looks tough.


Daigo is often seen fighting with Shōji Satō. He may look rough around the edges, but he is fiercely loyal to his fellow residents, defending them at the insults of other students and supporting them from the sidelines at major competitions. He is often seen bothering Zenji at times alongside with other Polar Star residents and frequently using his room for parties along with the other residents of the dormitory. Though often arguing with Shōji, he is almost never seen without him. 


He passed Fumio Daimidō's entrance test and was admitted to the Polar Star Dormitory before the start of the series.


(To be added)

Cooking Style[]

Daigo has no particular cooking style; however, he is competent enough to remain in Tōtsuki Academy thus far.


Vegetable Fritters (anime)

Daigo's Vegetable Fritters

  • Vegetable Fritters - He used various vegetables from the dormitory garden to form this dish. Sōma noted that the dish is good, as the vegetables used from the garden were very fresh.
  • Screenshot 2021-12-19 1.29

    Daigo's Buttered Whitefish

    Buttered Whitefish - Whitefish slowly cooked in clarified butter, and garnished with what appears to be smal mushrooms and spring flowers. Daigo served this dish to Erina when she crashed at Polar Star Dormitory after running away from Azami. Upon tasting it, Erina acknowledged his efforts to take advantage of the ingrediet's natural flavors, but being Erina, ultimately called it a failure after pointing out a dozen mistakes. Daigo was shocked, but later became quite excited as Erina's presence was a great opportunity to sharpen his skills, as did the rest of Polar Star dormitory.


  • The name Daigo means "big, great" (大) (dai) and "I, me" (吾) (go).
  • Daigo's surname Aoki means "blue" (青) (ao) and "tree, wood" (木) (ki).


  • Daigo's debut was in Chapter 7; however, his name was never revealed until Volume 9 in the extra pages. By the release of the 9th Volume, over 84 chapters had been published.
    • Daigo, along with Shōji Satō, has the record for the most amount of chapters between his debut in the manga and having his name revealed.


  1. Shokugeki no Soma Fanbook page 213
  2. Junichi Yanagita's page at I'm Enterprise
  3. Shokugeki no Soma chapter 192

